1981-82 School Year

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1981 Welcomes The New RSHS Sophomore Class

The Very First Day At Richmond Senior High in 1981

Angie Staley checking out the homeroom listings, and if she was anything like me, she was wondering how in the world she was ever going to adjust to life at 'the big kids' school.

The Beta Clubs' Newest Members

Front Row:  Kelly Hampton, Jill Vance, Tammy Watkins, Sharon Wheeler, Lisa Tummey

Back Row:  Eddie Reed, John Harrison, Warren Strong, Angie Staley, Della Williams

Not Pictured:  Jacque Wills

Keep It Moving People

Rhonda Gibson and Dwayne Hatcher headed to their next class.

Loving Looks At Lunch

Amy Maples and her own personal upperclassman, Mel Terry, in 1981.  These days Mel is private contractor and Amy is a school teacher.  They have three children and still live in the area.

If any couples from our era have been together longer than these two, I don't know who they might be, so my prize for loving longevity goes to the Terry's.

Listening In Class

I always thought Ronald Sullivan was just pretending to pay attention in class, like me, but as it turns out, he was actually listening, and more importantly, learning. 

Who'd a thunk it?

Listen Up People

Michelle Stogner, Rebecca ? , Gina Strickland, Leslie Smith, Eddie Roscoe

It's Spirit Week

That means it is time to dress the part, and this time the part is that of a Cowboy, or as some people refer to them these days Cowpersons.  An old rugged Cowboy or the recently introduced Urban type?  The choice was yours.

? , Tammy Billingsley, and Rhonda Gibson pause between classes for apicture.

Chased By The Bell

Tim Legrand stops at his locker between classes, but even in the rush to make his next class before that bell rings, he doesn't lose his smile.

Spirit Week Continues

Leslie Smith dresses up for Toga Day, while Tommy Jernigan thinks his t-shirt and jeans are spirited enough.

"Is That Note Something You'd Like To Share With The Entire Class Mr. Ballard?"

Jamie Tuck(partially hidden), upper classman Rhonda Ingles, and Gary Ballard.

I'm not exactly sure what this note says, but it certainly seems to be something worth smiling over.


Don't You Want To Share Your Sophomore Year Photos?