What's Changed?

RSHS Class of 1984

What's New


Yesterday  When We Were Young

Junior High

High School

Sporty Raiders

Musical Raiders


Guestbook And Message Board

It's All About ME

The Pride of Richmond County



I finally removed the 'upcoming' 25th Reunion info from the homepage.  Hey, it took less than two years and five months. :)



I updated the Who Made This Site section.


The site has been successfully moved!  All the pages and images are at the new location.  If you have any problems with pages, links, or icons please let me know via FaceBook.


The only thing better than a six month hiatus is a three and a half year hiatus. 

I'm updating all the links changed to the new locations of the webpages and images.  You know that thing I said I was going to do in '05.  I'm doing it this time though.  Really I am.


Nothing like a six month hiatus, huh?

The guestbook has been cleaned up.  No more porno spamming in there, but if you had added the guestbook to your favorites/bookmark  list prior to yesterday, you'll need to delete that entry and add it again.

New entry added to the Links section for the RSHS-Alumni.Org forums hosted by Randy Smith and Thomas Pangborn.  Check out their site, and be sure to post a message in the Class of 1984 room!


As you have probably noticed, I haven't spent any time working on the site(s) since the holidays, and while I hope to get back to it more actively soon, learning the ropes on my new job is keeping me pretty busy right now.
I am working on somethings this weekend though...
Archived the November and December 2004 What's New lists.
Stay Tuned for more!

What's New Archive

 2005 February-July *no entries made*

2004 December

2004 November

2004 October

2004 September

Thank You List

Our Parents for actually taking these pictures so long ago when we didn't think we wanted or needed them, and just as importantly, for keeping them safe until we discovered we did.

RSHS Classes of 1980-1987 for making my high school years so much fun.  No, smarty pants, I didn't go to high school for 7 years  but I did share my high school days with lots of upper and under classmen.

Gene Mercer for creating his Classof1984.freeservers.com website, which gave me the idea to create a site for photos of our times together, for lots of helpful tips and emails, for all of his reunion and other photos, and too much more to mention her... 

Michelle Davis Byrne for more photos from the 20th Reunion dance.


Questions, Comments, or Submissions?