The 1983-84 School Year's Banquet and Dance *click on images to view larger versions when available*
As we were so fond of saying at the time, (thanks to Eddie Murphy)
'What A Bargain For Me'
Even though the tickets cost a dollar more than the previous year, it was a bargain price for an evening's entertainment including a meal and dance. I wonder what the tickets cost these days?
What's The Plan?
Open the program to see the schedule, list of awards, menu, and list of seniors.
Senior Awards
Amy Maples, Ronnie Brigman, April Godwin, Allen Lewis, Bill Eubanks
I received one of these awards and remember being quite proud, but to be honest, I'm not sure what they were, does anyone remember the specifics?
I'm not sure what 'look' I was going for here, but I do know that wasn't it.
Top Honors
Band director Steve Menendez presented the John Philips Sousa Award to Angela Rogers and the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award to Ronald Sullivan.
Diane Cockman (Terry), Mrs. Davis (Michelle)
Caring Parents = Band BoostersTo see more pictures of our Boosters, check out this site's Band Boosters' page.
Wanda Sullivan (Ronald)
Before the dance began, senior Bill Eubanks got his hug from Booster President (1984-85) Diane Leviner (Kay).