Just as the Raiders' 1981 season had started with an unexpected and shocking change of band directors so would 1983's. Dennis Carswell left to become the director at Statesville High School (whose band we would face during the course of this very season), and Steven Menedez, from Hawaii, accepted the job of directing the Marching Raider Band for the 1983-84 school year.
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Having Fun Before PracticeThe Marching Raider Band was one of those special things in life that makes you want to show up early and stay late.
Angie Staley, Jill Vance, Melissa Peele, and Kim StewartKim strikes her best Pat Benatar pose for the camera. Immediately after this picture was taken, Kim, backed up by the girls, burst into song...'We are young, no one can tell us we're wrong...'
The Lady Is All BusinessDuring this practice session, Kay Leviner (with Kathy Stewart paritally hidden behind her) is working hard on selling the show because she knows that if you don't believe in what you're doing, no one else will.
The Raiders' Color Guard Having Fun Posing After PracticeJatanna Willard, Mandy Parker, Bill Eubanks (rifle captain), Kay Leviner, April Godwin
Hattie Caulder
Standing At Attention Means Standing At AttentionObviously the 1983 Raider Color Guard was taught how to do it correctly.
Laying Down With Your Head In A Bass Bell Means Laying Down With Your Head In A Bass Bell
Band directors the world over hate to see this because it means their prized possession, a bass player, is all tuckered out and needs a nap. How can the band go on without him?
It's Only Make BelieveMarching Raiders are the imaginative type, and here Pam Reynolds proves it during practice while her trumpet is in the shop for repairs.On the field with Pam during practice are (clockwise from left) Jimmy McDonald, ? (hidden), Staci Stutts, Lee Snead, Vikkie Smith, Arthur Byrd, and Pam.