1986-87 School Year

The Pride of Richmond County

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RSHS Class of 1984




The 'Pride' Competes Well

during their 1986 season

The 1986 RSHS Marching Band, under the leadership of Drum Majors Noel Butler and Satanna Deberry carried away 2nd place Drum Major, 2nd place Rifles, 1st place Horn Line, and 1st place Overall at the Brick Capital Classic in Sanford.  At the Lumberton Band Festival, the Marching Raiders took awards for 1st place Flags, 1st place Rifles, 1st place Drum Line, 1st place Band Performance in their class, and the Sweepstakes Trophy for best band of the day.  Additionally, the band finished 2nd place at the Clinton Band Festival, and over the course of their season, received three Superior Ratings and twelve Caption Awards for best Horn Line, Drum Line, Flags, Rifles, and Drum Majors.

In addition to hosting their annual Richmond County Band Festival, one of the most successful and notable contests in North Carolina, the Raider Band competed as a finalist in the prestigious Music Bowl at Furman University.

*the preceding article was taken, in part, from the 1986-87 Treasure Chest*

*click on images to view larger versions when available*

Drum Majors

Noel Butler and Satanna Deberry

The 1986 Homecoming Parade

Drum Major Noel Butler leader the Marching Raiders down Washington Street towards Harrington Square and the Homecoming Pep Rally.


The Raiders' low brass echoes through Rockingham's historic downtown area.




Robbie Singleterry loves the Marching Raiders but is certainly glad they don't strap the timpani to the drummers' backs anymore like they did in the 70's.


This group of musicians is proud to be part of the elite class of high school musicians chosen for the Wind Ensemble.

Jamie McRae, Brad Powell, and  David Gibson (future DM) perform with one of the Concert Bands in the school's gym.

Swing around to the other side of the band during that performance and you'll find Emily Chavis (married fellow Marcher Tommy Kirkley, Class of '82),  Sara West (future DM), and Paige Hartgrove doing their part, too.

"Class isn't nearly as much fun as band," Miki Jacobs confides to a friend.

"You got that one right Miki!" 


The Tradition Continues

Whether you are in the Marching Band or the classroom band, you've depended on the loading crew.  Down through the years, this group has had their pictures taken leaning on their invisible member, and the Raiders of 1986 couldn't bear to leave their invisible helper out either.

Be careful, if you make the mistake of calling their friend imaginary instead of invisible, at the next event you may find that their friend accidentally left your instrument in the band room.




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